316 research outputs found

    Spreadsheet knowledge: An exploratory study

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    Spreadsheets are the most commonly used tool for end user development of applications, and organizations depend heavily upon them for decision making. This paper reports on a study to investigate the role of spreadsheet knowledge in the successful use of spreadsheet applications. It considers both the spreadsheet knowledge of the user developer and the spreadsheet knowledge of the user and tests a model of the effect of spreadsheet knowledge on the success of a user-developed spreadsheet application. Spreadsheet knowledge was shown to be important in two ways. It influences the quality of the system being developed, but it also acts directly upon the individual impact of the application. Successful use appears to require sufficient knowledge to understand and, if necessary, alter the application

    Traffic eavesdropping based scheme to deliver time-sensitive data in sensor networks

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    Due to the broadcast nature of wireless channels, neighbouring sensor nodes may overhear packets transmissions from each other even if they are not the intended recipients of these transmissions. This redundant packet reception leads to unnecessary expenditure of battery energy of the recipients. Particularly in highly dense sensor networks, overhearing or eavesdropping overheads can constitute a significant fraction of the total energy consumption. Since overhearing of wireless traffic is unavoidable and sometimes essential, a new distributed energy efficient scheme is proposed in this paper. This new scheme exploits the inevitable overhearing effect as an effective approach in order to collect the required information to perform energy efficient delivery for data aggregation. Based on this approach, the proposed scheme achieves moderate energy consumption and high packet delivery rate notwithstanding the occurrence of high link failure rates. The performance of the proposed scheme is experimentally investigated a testbed of TelosB motes in addition to ns-2 simulations to validate the performed experiments on large-scale network

    Reliable data delivery in low energy ad hoc sensor networks

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    Reliable delivery of data is a classical design goal for reliability-oriented collection routing protocols for ad hoc wireless sensor networks (WSNs). Guaranteed packet delivery performance can be ensured by careful selection of error free links, quick recovery from packet losses, and avoidance of overloaded relay sensor nodes. Due to limited resources of individual senor nodes, there is usually a trade-off between energy spending for packets transmissions and the appropriate level of reliability. Since link failures and packet losses are unavoidable, sensor networks may tolerate a certain level of reliability without significantly affecting packets delivery performance and data aggregation accuracy in favor of efficient energy consumption. However a certain degree of reliability is needed, especially when hop count increases between source sensor nodes and the base station as a single lost packet may result in loss of a large amount of aggregated data along longer hops. An effective solution is to jointly make a trade-off between energy, reliability, cost, and agility while improving packet delivery, maintaining low packet error ratio, minimizing unnecessary packets transmissions, and adaptively reducing control traffic in favor of high success reception ratios of representative data packets. Based on this approach, the proposed routing protocol can achieve moderate energy consumption and high packet delivery ratio even with high link failure rates. The proposed routing protocol was experimentally investigated on a testbed of Crossbow's TelosB motes and proven to be more robust and energy efficient than the current implementation of TinyOS2.x MultihopLQI

    Reliable routing scheme for indoor sensor networks

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    Indoor Wireless sensor networks require a highly dynamic, adaptive routing scheme to deal with the high rate of topology changes due to fading of indoor wireless channels. Besides that, energy consumption rate needs to be consistently distributed among sensor nodes and efficient utilization of battery power is essential. If only the link reliability metric is considered in the routing scheme, it may create long hops routes, and the high quality paths will be frequently used. This leads to shorter lifetime of such paths; thereby the entire network's lifetime will be significantly minimized. This paper briefly presents a reliable load-balanced routing (RLBR) scheme for indoor ad hoc wireless sensor networks, which integrates routing information from different layers. The proposed scheme aims to redistribute the relaying workload and the energy usage among relay sensor nodes to achieve balanced energy dissipation; thereby maximizing the functional network lifetime. RLBR scheme was tested and benchmarked against the TinyOS-2.x implementation of MintRoute on an indoor testbed comprising 20 Mica2 motes and low power listening (LPL) link layer provided by CC1000 radio. RLBR scheme consumes less energy for communications while reducing topology repair latency and achieves better connectivity and communication reliability in terms of end-to-end packets delivery performance

    Understanding user behavior towards passwords through acceptance and use modelling

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    The security of computer systems that store our data is a major issue facing the world. This research project investigated the roles of ease of use, facilitating conditions, intention to use passwords securely, experience and age on usage of passwords, using a model based on the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of technology. Data was collected via an online survey of computer users, and analyzed using PLS. The results show there is a significant relationship between ease of use of passwords, intention to use them securely and the secure usage of passwords. Despite expectations, facilitating conditions only had a weak impact on intention to use passwords securely and did not influence actual secure usage. Computing experience was found to have an effect on intention to use passwords securely, but age did not. The results of this research lend themselves to assisting in policy design and better understanding user behavior

    A note on the probability of generating alternating or symmetric groups

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    We improve on recent estimates for the probability of generating the alternating and symmetric groups Alt(n)\mathrm{Alt}(n) and Sym(n)\mathrm{Sym}(n). In particular we find the sharp lower bound, if the probability is given by a quadratic in n1n^{-1}. This leads to improved bounds on the largest number h(Alt(n))h(\mathrm{Alt}(n)) such that a direct product of h(Alt(n))h(\mathrm{Alt}(n)) copies of Alt(n)\mathrm{Alt}(n) can be generated by two elements

    A Renormalized Supersymmetry in the Topological Yang-Mills Field Theory

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    We reconsider the algebraic BRS renormalization of Witten's topological Yang-Mills field theory by making use of a vector supersymmetry Ward identity which improves the finiteness properties of the model. The vector supersymmetric structure is a common feature of several topological theories. The most general local counterterm is determined and is shown to be a trivial BRS-coboundary.Comment: 18 pages, report REF. TUW 94-10 and UGVA-DPT 1994/07-85

    Steiner t-designs for large t

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    One of the most central and long-standing open questions in combinatorial design theory concerns the existence of Steiner t-designs for large values of t. Although in his classical 1987 paper, L. Teirlinck has shown that non-trivial t-designs exist for all values of t, no non-trivial Steiner t-design with t > 5 has been constructed until now. Understandingly, the case t = 6 has received considerable attention. There has been recent progress concerning the existence of highly symmetric Steiner 6-designs: It is shown in [M. Huber, J. Algebr. Comb. 26 (2007), pp. 453-476] that no non-trivial flag-transitive Steiner 6-design can exist. In this paper, we announce that essentially also no block-transitive Steiner 6-design can exist.Comment: 9 pages; to appear in: Mathematical Methods in Computer Science 2008, ed. by J.Calmet, W.Geiselmann, J.Mueller-Quade, Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Scienc

    Ambulance-delivered transdermal glyceryl trinitrate versus sham for ultra-acute stroke: rationale, design and protocol for the Rapid Intervention with Glyceryl trinitrate in Hypertensive stroke Trial-2 (RIGHT-2) trial (ISRCTN26986053)

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    Rationale: Vascular nitric oxide levels are low in acute stroke and donors such as glyceryl trinitrate have shown promise when administered very early after stroke. Potential mechanisms of action include augmentation of cerebral reperfusion, thrombolysis and thrombectomy, lowering blood pressure, and cytoprotection. Aim: To test the safety and efficacy of four days of transdermal glyceryl trinitrate (5 mg/day) versus sham in patients with ultra-acute presumed stroke who are recruited by paramedics prior to hospital presentation. Sample size estimates: The sample size of 850 patients will allow a shift in the modified Rankin Scale with odds ratio 0.70 (glyceryl trinitrate versus sham, ordinal logistic regression) to be detected with 90% power at 5% significance (two-sided). Design: The Rapid Intervention with Glyceryl trinitrate in Hypertensive stroke Trial-2 (RIGHT-2) is a multicentre UK prospective randomized sham-controlled outcome-blinded parallel-group trial in 850 patients with ultra-acute (4 h of onset) FAST-positive presumed stroke and systolic blood pressure 120 mmHg who present to the ambulance service following a 999 emergency call. Data collection is performed via a secure internet site with real-time data validation. Study outcomes: The primary outcome is the modified Rankin Scale measured centrally by telephone at 90 days and masked to treatment. Secondary outcomes include: blood pressure, impairment, recurrence, dysphagia, neuroimaging markers of the acute lesion including vessel patency, discharge disposition, length of stay, death, cognition, quality of life, and mood. Neuroimaging and serious adverse events are adjudicated blinded to treatment. Discussion: RIGHT-2 has recruited more than 500 participants from seven UK ambulance services. Status: Trial is ongoing. Funding: British Heart Foundation. Registration: ISRCTN26986053

    Generators and commutators in finite groups; abstract quotients of compact groups

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    Let N be a normal subgroup of a finite group G. We prove that under certain (unavoidable) conditions the subgroup [N,G] is a product of commutators [N,y] (with prescribed values of y from a given set Y) of length bounded by a function of d(G) and |Y| only. This has several applications: 1. A new proof that G^n is closed (and hence open) in any finitely generated profinite group G. 2. A finitely generated abstract quotient of a compact Hausdorff group must be finite. 3. Let G be a topologically finitely generated compact Hausdorff group. Then G has a countably infinite abstract quotient if and only if G has an infinite virtually abelian continuous quotient.Comment: This paper supersedes the preprint arXiv:0901.0244v2 by the first author and answers the questions raised there. Latest version corrects erroneous Lemma 4.30 and adds new Cor. 1.1